almond blossom

almond blossom

domingo, 9 de enero de 2011

Discos de versiones/cover albums

I recently downloaded an album by a german band call "The baseballs" in which they do rockabilly covers of pop hits like "crazy in love", "Hot n cold", etc. So I thought it would be a good idea to talk about some cover albums that I've been listening to lately. I don't have much time to explore new music, so cover albums give me the oportunity to renew my playlist easily.

Me bajé hace un poco un disco de una banda alemana llamada "The baseballs" en la q hacen versiones rockabilly de canciones pop actuales, asi q voy a aprovechar para hablar un poc de este tipo de discos. A mi me vienen muy bien porque apenas tengo tiempo de investigar musica nueva, asi q son una forma fácil de renovar mi playlist.


It's a really good idea, I think. I love rockabilly so I got really excited when I heard about this band. However, I think they make two mistakes: 1-the singer sounds to much like elvis presley, and 2-I can't understand some of the songs they selected, for example "Lets get loud" is an awful song and, somewhat surprisingly, it doesn't get any better at all by turning it into a rockabilly song. Leason learned: a bad song is a bad song, no matter how well you try to play it. Fortunatly, other songs on the album are good ones and sound really great.

La idea es genial, me encanta el rockabilly asi q me puse muy contenta cuando me enteré de este grupo, sin embargo, creo q cometen dos importantes errores: 1-el cantante imita la voz de elvis presley y pienso q deberia tener algo mas de personalidad, y 2-no entiendo por que han seleccionado algunas de las canciones del disco, algunas son realmente malas, y no importa q intenten convertirlas en rockabilly, siguen siendo malas! Aunque otras canciones buenas, como la de Katy Perry, las tocan muy bien.


An amazing album. If you like the Shins, and you like bluegrass, you're gonna love this.

Un disco estupendo. Si te gustan The Shins y te gusta el Bluegrass, esto te va a encantar.


The thing about Glee, is that because of them I now listen to music which I never would have even given a chance before. They cover all sorts of music, from The Beatles to Lady Gaga. They have tons of albums, including a Madonna tribute album and a Rocky horror show tribute album as well as soundtracks and compilations from the TV series. Some of the episodes from the TV series are tribute episodes like the one for Lady Gaga and the one to Britney Spears.

Gracias a Glee, ahora escucho canciones q si no fuese por ellos ni les habría dado una oportunidad. Las canciones son de todo tipo, desde los Beatles a Lady Gaga y tienen muchísimos discos, incluyendo un tributo a Madonna, y otro al Rocky horror show además de las bandas sonoras de la serie de TV. Algunos de los capitulos de la serie son también capitulos homenaje, como los que le hicieron a Lady Gaga, Britney Spears y Madonna.

Next time I'll post some cover songs I like
Más adelante publicaré una lista de canciones versionadas q me gustan.

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